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Down Syndrome Association Raises Funds with Buddy Walk

Douglas Grant, Teacher

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A former middle school teacher, Douglas Grant serves as a counselor for South Texas Rural Health Services. While a teacher, Douglas Grant started archery and fishing clubs to create a sense of togetherness.

Doug Grant also supports the Down Syndrome Association of South Texas (DSASTX). The agency supports children and adults who have the disorder, which causes developmental and intellectual disabilities and cardiac and gastrointestinal problems.
DSASTX partners with educators, other health agencies, and medical experts to aid persons with Down syndrome and their caregivers. It provides opportunities for over 1,000 families to form friendships and learn vital information, as well as encouraging inclusion in the larger community.
Offered free of charge, these programs receive no state or federal funds, relying entirely on donors. Each year the DSASTX holds its Buddy Walk to raise some 40 percent of its $500,000 budget. More than 90 percent of Buddy Walk funds stay within the community, with the remainder sent to the National Down Syndrome Society.

Corporate sponsorships are available at several levels for the event, scheduled for October 7, 2017. Contact the DSASTX at for more information.